Get (UN)real.

Has anyone ever told you to stop being

UGH. Right?!

Honestly if I had a penny for everytime someone called me unrealistic, or that I have too high of expectations, or that I’m a dreamer and that I should really be more logical and stick to what “always works”… I would seriously be rich.

But wait. 

I’ve realized something. I kind of AM rich.
Now listen, I’m not saying I’m a millionaire (yet) but what I am saying is that this has given me massive fuel to prove over and over again that my dreamy unrealistic goals can be fucking SMASHED over and over and over again. Because someone has doubted me or told me to stick to “the game” or “the ladder” or whatever society claims to be the best way to do things and succeed, I have gained infinite motivation to do things MY WAY.

And yes, I have completely conquered all of my crazy unrealistic goals within my past.

  • Find the love of my life and fall into a passionate conscious relationship that blows my mind every day
  • Become a 500 hour yoga teacher
  • Move to a tropical island and teach yoga for a living
  • Create an online business that thrives and helps women all over the world
  • Land a job that allows me to work remotely
  • Get off hormonal birth control and successfully practice the Fertility Awareness Method for 2 years
  • Forgive people in my life who have seriously hurt me and withhold no resentment or grudge because I’ve found peace and lessons in every experience
  • Create a multi-thousand dollar savings safety net
  • Invested in becoming a Life Coach
  • Manifested the home of my DREAMS. Like not even my dreams could dream this good
Honestly, if I had proclaimed to the world that ALL of this would have happened 5 years ago, I would have been judged, laughed at, and most likely called “Unrealistic” because people think that life is hard and creating the life you desire means you’re stuck in a job you hate in a town you hate with people you hate and that’s just… normal?

Fuck Normal.
Fuck By the Book.
and Fuck whoever says that high standards and high expectations and massive dreams are made of fairy dust in an imaginary land far away.

You guys. Ignore the noise and know that anyone who is doubting you on your journey or even insulting you is
reflecting all of their own personal bullshit onto you and it truly has nothing to do with you at all. Nothing.
Someone else’s limiting beliefs don’t apply to YOU. They aren’t yours. Don’t absorb them, integrate them or even bother processing them as though they were yours. Your beliefs create your reality, and their beliefs create theirs, and all you can do is keep on keepin’ on with your deepest goals and desires because once you succeed you will move about the world in a way that oozes confidence, success and people will start to catch on to this “WooWoo” stuff…

All of a sudden they’ll be like…
“Hey… What’s this manifestation thing you always talk about again? Like… how do you do it?”
“So, what exactly do you journal about? How does that help you?”
“I’m sure this is just coincidence but I totally saw 11:11 today and thought of you…”

It’s magnetic. YOU are magnetic once you believe that your insanely beautiful future is already yours. You are alluring once you decide that you are successful and abundant. You are a LIGHT once you embrace your magical self and your desires. People start to pick up on it and you become the center of a massive ripple effect that just goes on and on through your circles in your community and through the universe as a whole.

While I didn’t verbally proclaim to the world and everyone in it that all of these things would happen for me in my life, what I did do was proclaim to the universe through my thoughts and my journal what I knew was in my future. I believed it in my deep heart space, in my bones… I was re-reading my journals the other night and I had this enormous moment where I paused with my mouth open and said “WHOA”. Because everything I had written years ago became my reality.

All the things I was determined to do, I have done.

And this is SO EXCITING to me because I’m just beginning to expore my ability to alchemize abundance and manifest succes into my life. I’m only 27!To know that you create your own reality can be kind of scary! Because if your thoughts alchemize energy into form, sometimes the negative stuff can get in the way. Like believing someone when they said you were being unrealistic.
So I’ve come up with 3 affirmations for you to repeat over and over in your head, in writing, on sticky notes- wherever! So that you can reprogram your brain into believing that you can fucking earn that money, get that job, create that course, attract that man and manifest the craziest shit that people probably wouldn’t believe if you told them.

1. By allowing myself to dream BIG, I expand my ability to receive blessings, abundance and success in unexpected, magical ways.

2. I am naturally high-vibe and I only attract positive experiences and massive abundance into my life because I won’t tolerate anything less (unless it’s for my highest self and the greater good of my purpose and evolution of my soul).

3. I decide my own worth and my own value (which is fucking high!) and I won’t allow others to affect my loving and empowered relationship with my SELF.

That’s only three and I could write a hundred more but how about you come up with some that ring true for you personally. Words and desires from your own heart.


Get (UN)Real, girlfriend.

That’s where the magic lies and the fun begins.Alright love, thanks for reading this Thursday evening brain blurb!
I love you.
