I have a story for you.
“Just write,” said the universe.
“Ok,” I said.
“But how should I start? What would they like to read?” I asked.
“Just write. Write your story. Write what you want.
Don’t write what they want,” responded the Universe.
“But I want to be loved and liked and seen as successful and inspirational,” I murmured.
“You are these things. But you’ve never tried to be these things. Which is why you are these things,” said the Universe.
“Oh.” I said.
“Thank you for reminding me,” I said.
“You’re welcome, now write,” said the universe.
So I am writing. And I want to tell you about a moment that has been rolling through my brain over and over today.
This one time in my life, I moved to an island in the Caribbean all by myself with a backpack and barely a plan. I saved up some cash, booked a flight, said goodbye to my friends and family and childhood home, got on the flight, got on another flight, got in a taxi, got on a boat, walked through a jungle and arrived at my new home.
I remember the feeling of pure terror in alignment with divine trust. Like they just… fit together. And when those two things fit together, the most amazing things happen. It’s like the universe is holding you with the highest love, ushering you down a path of purpose even if it feels fucking terrifying.
That explains this one evening I had to myself as I aimlessly wandered to the beach under a full moon. The roar of the waves was powerful and beautiful, but music was calling me so I plugged into my headphones and started playing a song I had on repeat that day. It was called “Gold” and I started moving my feet in the sand to the beat. The light of the full moon was beaming down glistening on the crests of the waves and the breeze was warm and humid.
The melody of the song gave me no option but to just DANCE. I danced and twirled and giggled to myself all alone on this beach dancing with the waves, with the moon, with myself.
I danced with such euphoria, with such JOY and this abandonment of all chains, binds, restrictions and knew I was in exactly the right place at exactly the right time. Even though I had no plan even a few weeks in advance, I had a few hundred bucks to my name, and I knew NO ONE 4,000 miles away from home.
It was one of the most liberating, expansive moments of my life. Looking back on the lyrics of this song, I find that the chorus repeats “Tell Me I’ve Been Found” and that’s exactly what it felt like.
I remember looking up at the moon and asking to be guided down my path of purpose with ease, success, joy, love and fulfillment.

Within the next year I embarked on an adventure that revealed the truest Aislinn I’d ever been. I fell in love multiple times, I learned of death and destruction, birth and rebirth, I led people through hundreds and hundreds of yoga practices, I met one of my closest sisters… I was plugged into the flow of purpose because I asked for it.
We have to honor and celebrate human embodiment. We have to celebrate the leaps of faith that continue to take us to where we’re supposed to be. We have to trust the leap.
We have a RADICAL responsibility for where we are and what we’re experiencing at all times in this life. Our bodies are our divine tools. Tools to dance, to love, to adventure, to feel, to move, to guide, to absorb, to purge, to be birthed, to let go of.
It’s in these moments that this awakening happens and space is created that allows for your wishes, your goals, your desires to flood into your reality.
There’s no analyzing, there’s no questioning because you’re totally in alignment with how expansive you are, with your potential, with KNOWING that you are divine and that the universe isn’t “out there” but it’s inside of you in the first place.
The days continue to go by and all of a sudden you realize that your wishes have come true and that you’ve accomplished your goals from however long ago that you apparently forgot about. The universe has a kind sense of humor that reminds you that you’re a badass manifestation goddess when you start to forget.
Just like how I was reminded of my moon dancing all day today and I didn’t even really understand why until I started writing this all out. Now I understand! Now I remember that I have manifested a shit ton of AMAZINGNESS in my life and this is your reminder that you can too! It doesn’t have to be hard. It can be as simple as dancing on a beach and continuing to show up every day with a mission to be of service and heal the planet. Simple… RIGHT?
It can be as simple or as complex as you choose.
Remember, we have a RADICAL responsibility for where we are and what we’re experiencing at all times in this life.
Time to show up and dance with the moon my dear!
So much divine love,