I’m writing on the last little bit of battery my computer can muster right now, but I am feeling so poetic, so blissful and inspired that I must write. I must write about the big things that happened today. But I also want to spill the smaller happenings out onto a page for me to remember just as vividly. Island life is about appreciating the seemingly insignificant moments of absolute beauty that surrounds us so often that we pass by it without a second glance.
These moments for me may seem silly but I take time because I feel like I actually have time here. Time to savor a moment that may last forever because I can allow it to. I can let the universe present her beautiful self to me because I have all the time in the world to tell her how stunning and profound she is. She is the ant carrying the leaf twenty times it’s size, she is the smell of passionfruit wafting through the air, the abandoned feather that a bird has left on the beach for me to find and use as a bookmark. She is holding me and everyone under her tin roof while the rain falls down from the sky, making a sound that only sounds like rain falling on a tin roof.
The small things.
Conversations with beautiful people who seem to have lived through your experiences even though they have been halfway around the world until that conversation. A glance at the moon while she spills her light across sand decorated with seaweed and fish that haven’t survived the storm, and coconuts that are looking for a place to become a palm tree.
The big things.
I taught the my first yoga class here today and I felt like it was the first time I stood up in front of class in 1st grade. Time doesn’t calm my nerves when it comes to public speaking. And I love that. I will never say no to butterflies. I welcome them in the garden, and I welcome them in my belly. We opened, we lengthened, we learned and we surrendered and we allowed the universe to hold the space for us to do all of these things. It was a success, especially when we awoke from savasana to see the sunlight filtering delicately down to the jungle floor through the green leaves above. It was like morning decided to grace us with her presence for a second time today. Magic exists in our fingertips, in the veins of a leaf, in the roll of a wave. You just have to acknowledge it is there and it will appear. If you believe it is there, it will ask you if you really want to see it. And if you say yes, yes, YES I’ll have some magic please, it will show you the most colorful world that you could ever have imagined.
You will find it in the small things.