Musings on Apocalyptic Love

MOS 6581
Carbon Based Lifeforms

Sometimes I imagine us staring up at the sky as asteroids fall to Earth.


We are calm. Peaceful. We are admiring the eerie beauty of the inevitable.


The sky is falling, fracturing, our feet are rooted into the Earth, and your hand is in mine, as we stare in awe, at the atmosphere, the bits of outer space and ice falling in all directions. There is no panic, because we know this is how it ends.


This is how it ends. And I am with you.


All this time, we have been worrying about being humans. We have been preoccupied being in the past or future moment. We have feared living right here, right now because our laundry needs doing, we don’t have enough money, we don’t have all the fancy things. We want, we need, we don’t have. Does that matter anymore my love?


Now the sky is falling around us and it’s the first time I have felt tranquil, serene and perfectly content. Dare I say ever? Because everything is over. The sky shatters. Stars light-years away grow brighter as the pressure falls, the globe of protection weakens. Nebulas are more vibrant without the dust of the ozone, the Milky Way seems like I could reach out and disturb its consistency. The rays of the sun grow stronger, while the frigidity of outer space caves in closer.


You are in this moment with me, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


And I am meant to be in your moment.


Because moments are all we really share. Aren’t they?


I would like to share more of your passionate kisses, your strong arms wrapped around the front of my shoulders as we make mad love. I would like to feel your words penetrate my ears, gravity melt your body onto mine, harmony and melody of our energies collide.


But now we are standing here watching the Earth melt. The universe has decided it’s time. It’s real this time too. It’s not just my dream anymore. How unbelievable, that this moment is actually happening, and I’m witnessing it with you. Doesn’t this only happen in movies? I thought so. Perhaps all those movies were preparing us to admire; to gaze in wonder. Has the fear subsided because of exposure? Are we witnessing or experiencing this time?

Grasp my fingers tighter, pull me in closer, and hold my heart to yours.

My rhythm; your rhythm; the collective destruction and orchestration of universal rhythms around us… it becomes one with me, with you, with us; oneness surrounds us. We are still rooted into this dirt like we always have been but this time is so different. This time the granules of Earth beneath us grasp the soles of our shoes, the roles reverse; an equal and opposite give and take of Earth to Human, Human to Earth.


We are going back to where we began.

Will you come with me?

See you on the other side, my love.