Hey girl, hey. 🌸
This is self speaking.
And not just self, I mean I’m Queen Self, otherwise known as “Highest Self” and we need to have a little powwow.
All this “I can’t because (insert bullshit reason here)” bullshit has to STOP. Let me remind you of something. Nothing is going to change if you keep doing things the same way. Change creates change, not stagnancy. Get it? I’m coming from a place of highest love, cause I’m your highest self and the Universe and I are bffs and we talk about how powerful you are ALL the time. In fact, we co-create all the badass stuff that you have accomplished in your life with you. We are SO team self, team you, team YES. Not team no, we’re not on that team.
It’s time to really dive ALL in into your dreams, your visions, your goals and desires because girllll I have GOT YOU! There is seriously no time like right, fucking, now. So why wait? The only thing keeping you from going for it (like yesterday), is your self- and it’s not your highest self (me), it’s your ego, limiting belief, saboteur, victim self.
And I understand, you’ve been hurt and you’ve seen some BS in your human life but they’ve all been lessons in love- not in fear. You are your only obstacle so hop on over that fence and come join us on the side of life full of “unrealistic” goals, massive abundance and changing people’s lives with TRUTH.
And guess what? All you have to do is be you.
Because you in your simply-you-form are ENOUGH. How bout that? You’re enough without all the credentials, all the notes, all the articles and studies. Right now, you’ve gotta see yourself as enough because that’s what creates magic.
Your magical pure true self without caring a fuck what others think is the spark that will start that motor on your vision boat. So let’s gooooo!
The Universe and I love you. And your human brain may not really understand the quantum mechanics of the depth of that love, but your soul does.
Trust, listen, be led by your heart. Be led by your womb. Be led by spirit in all her crazy forms.
There’s no time to waste 💜